Our Saturday

My sis, Jo, promised to buy Ashley a present since she was a good girl during the photo shoot on Thursday.  So, we headed to OneUtama today and spent almost the whole day at the mall.  Ashley told her ‘yee yee’ that she wanted a book and off they went to MPH to pick one out.

This is the book she wanted – Little Einsteins My First Picture Dictionary. She has been eyeing this book for quite a while now but we didn’t get it for her 🙂

Enjoying the book at home 🙂

I couldn’t resist this when I passed by the stall.

2 big Old Chang Kee curry puffs which I haven’t had for more than 6 months. Since it’s the weekend and I normally don’t diet during weekends, I had them for dinner just now. They are pretty good 🙂 As for lunch, we all ate at Little Cravings today. The food was pretty good too, something like Nonya Colours at The Gardens. Have you tried them before?

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15 Responses to Our Saturday

  1. min says:

    I don’t recall requesting for a book as a pressie when i was young! haha I’m a lazy bum… unlike Ashley!!
    hehehehe…i think it’s just a phase for ashley. at one time, she only requested for toys 😀

  2. clair says:

    Little Cravings is Nonya Colors, I think that’s why food and prices are the same. I’ve never tried Old Chang Kee’s or Little Cravings though 🙂
    Oh really? NO wonder the food is similar. Hey, I think I saw Nonya Colors at the old wing too. As usual…it was packed 🙂

  3. Angeleyes says:

    Darrius also into Little Einstein too! Probably I’ll look for it at the MPH next week… Looks like Ashley and Darrius has something in common now! 😛

    hahhhaa…yeah they do have something in common now. Ashley loves to watch Little Einstein on tv. A good educational show eh?

  4. mummy gwen says:

    Ashley smile so happily there..hehe. Nonya Colours at Mid Val always packed lah, we haven’t been eating there for some time already. May I ask, where’s Little Cravings at One U? Long time never been to One U..hehe.

  5. kristie says:

    ashley likes reading ya? it’s a good habit!

    i love old chang kee curry puffs too… yummy 🙂

  6. Adeline says:

    i love Old Chang Kee’s fried squids on stick … so yummy … and SO NAUGHTY!

  7. Merryn says:

    asking for a book as a pressie.. so cute this little girl..

    i’ve never been to any nyonya eatery b4.. coz i myself is a malacca nyonya n actually got over exposure to nyonya food dy.. hahahaha.. so i frequent other eateries when i go out.. my fav is japanese food.. 🙂

  8. Lina says:

    My boy at this age will ask for “Power Rangers’, “Batman” …hahhaha…dont rem he likes reading books 😛

  9. health freak says:

    That Old Chang Kee curry puffs are really huge and very tasty too. There’s this stall at Gardens that sell huge and tasty curry puffs too. But curry puffs are darn fattening o_o! Once in a while ok lar right?

  10. rachel says:

    ooo the curry puff attracted me. Hmm really huge. i think one is sufficient for a meal right..

  11. wow… She requested for a book ah? That’s good..

  12. huisia says:

    wow the curry puffs look so huge, are they crispy?

  13. Ann says:

    oh…you are the 2nd person I read who bought this book over the weekend! Must be really interesting!

    I think buying books as pressies are the best thing! Have been keeping that tradition with my friend’s kids for 2 years now!

    By the way…..always wanted to try the Old CHang Kee curry puffs…are they really that good?

    ashley is going through a phase now and wants books a lot. She prefers bookstores to ToysRUs 🙂 Old Chang Kee’s curry puffs are ok…but not the best. I think they taste better when hot

  14. jasmine says:

    i see a big smile on ashley with her new book! nice one! books are definitely great presents for kids.

    i am now looking for some simple BM story books for Shan Leo.

  15. Marilyn says:

    How glad that Ashley love to read….Well done Ash…such a cute smile in this photo….

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