Do you recognize this cutie pie?
or this pair of handsome twins?
Yes yes….Ashley and I, together with Chin Nee and her family visited Shireen at her condo yesterday. It was a nice lil gathering for the mommies and the kids. Ashley had a lot of fun with the girls.
There are so many toys in Shireen’s home
Chin Nee baked some yummy chocolate cakes for everyone.
We had a great time and were busy chatting and taking photos. So typical of bloggers eh? This is the first time I see Baby C after her surgery. Shireen showed me the surgery scar on Baby C and I was shocked. The scars are long. Poor baby I am so happy that she is fine now. Baby Cassandra even gave me a flying kiss before I left. Awww…ain’t that sweet? Thanks for letting us mess up your home, Shireen. It was good to see all of you. Thanks Chin Nee, for the delicious cake. Good to see you too. Don’t know where you got the time to do so many things
Next time, I will remember the Goreng Pisang.
wow..the cakes looked really delicious.. my goodness.. so nice to see u all gather the kids together and the adult having a nice time chatting.. do u all know each other thru blogging?
yes..we know each other thru blogging :D. Ain’t that great?
toying with toys together. i miss it! the small pieces of cakes look yummy too! =)
wow.. when the picture of Baby C first load, I know you guys went to Shireen (see, I am a good blog follower ah), and I also saw the butter cake in Chinnee’s…
so nice for a outing ya..
yes yes..very good blog follower
Nice to see all the girls in PINK! If only I can dress Ethan up in pink. Baby C is so cute…
Looks like all the kidlets had fun. Glad to hear Baby C is doing well. I have been following your friend Shirleen’s blog too.. The girls are just too cute.. Hope you are feeling well Barb! Take care..
Hey Macy. Thanks very much..I’m better but just out of breath sometimes. Gotta walk real slow, do stuff slowly and no stress
Thanks for following Shireen’s blog. You are so kind.
It is always to have a gathering with blogger mummy….can chat and lets the kids play around with lots of friends.
Oh wow..Baby C sure looks good here! Great! U should have more of such gatherings Barb
nice to know you guys are so close
baby see is really cute! =)
Wow..nice gathering. Baby C is so cute.
good idea to put those pieces of cakes in paper cups.
so many good looking babies & kiddos
what a fun gathering 
Aiyah…….I missed seeing the bumbo boys!!!! Ashley looks at home with Alycia & Sherilyn
been having fun eh! good and relax too ya! take care
geee….so many cutie pies around, it’ll be wonderful to ‘pinch & smooch’ them, geram :D!!
u take care too wor…
Nice gathering for mummy and kids…gathering at home is always more comfy than outside.
wow..another mummies gathering.
All girls are in pink ar? so cute! Baby C look so big girl in this picture.
wow…another nice gathering…..
It was reall good having you ladies over. Let’s do it more! Ashley is such a social butterfly and got along really well with my social butterfly, hehe. Thanks for the gifts for my gals.
It’s definitely a great gathering for mummies and kids. Oh, I thought you all are friends, but its actually know each other thru blogging.
That’s such nice meetting up, for mommies and for the kids too
barb, even hb tot Ashley was sisters with Shireen’s girl. they all look so alike yeah..haha…
so glad to see Baby C well and about
wow.. its nice u’ll blogger can hv a get-together. I’m been following Shireen and ur blog quite sometime. Its a nice write-up,keep its up! Barb…u stay in Sg.Long?
Chin Nee is really super Mom isn’t she???