Ashley has the fever again. It started on Saturday night. Her temperature shot up to 39.9 degree Celsius and of course I panicked. Gave her a suppository and the first thing next morning we went to the paed. She probably got the virus from school and the paed didn’t say much…just that her throat is a bit red She is still feverish today and I’m keeping her home. This means I’m also not at work today
I pray that the lil missy will get well very soon.
Fever meds and Antibiotic
Get well soon, sweetie Ashley…
Distaclor.. haven’t seen this antibiotic before.
Get well soon Ashley..Kid sick,, mummy also sien.. haih
Get well soon Ashley!
prays that ashley gets better and well!
April and May also took antibiotic now, since Saturday morning, they got low grade fever, throat red, green and thick running nose so far. Today, they both went to school, and seems recovering well. I keep reminding them to be well, as CNY is coming soon. When children go to school, they tend to get sick often too. My paedestrician said the same thing.
wishing ashley get well soon!
Oh dear….medications again. Like what is repeating in my home as well. Sigh! Hope Ash gets well soon. YX recovered but pass the virus to baby XJ.
alamak. Hope she is well now.
Oh dear.. oh no.. get well soon ashley.. *hugs* mommy take care too ok?
Get well soon Ashley.
CNY is around the corner, Get well soon, Ashley. Then u and ur family can enjoy makan makan and playing around.
wish a speedy recovery to ashley. you take care too, barb!
I hope lil missy will get well soon too! It’s awful when they are ill!
Oh no, that sucks! Speedy recovery to Ash. I hate it when children are sick. My mum was telling me that this strain of influenza that has been going around is very “keng”.
Hope Ashley recovers real soon. Try to give her more fruits… a good dose of natural vit C should be good for her
maybe too much reading, over-studied (previous post) caused the heatiness.. anyway, hope she has recovered by now… take care..
Oh…poor Ashley. Get well soon, AShley. Mummy, take care ya..don’t worry too much.
Get well soon Ashley…Weather getting bad lately and now they are in sch mixing with many ppl and tend to gets spread of germ and virus easily..I’m also not really good lately..Terry got mild fever on and off don’t know what the heck is that…
hope Ashley gets well by now.
Hope she feels better soon
Poor thing. I hope she gets well soon.
Get well soon, Ashley. I noticed from the label that Ashley goes to Dr Ooi – is he good? We normally take her to Pauline but the parking there is madness – so we are looking at other alternatives that are convenient
That is really a high temperature. Hope Ashley get well soon. Take care.
Hope by now, Ashley is well again
You take care too, Barb.
oh no..hope little princess gets well soon.
get well soon ashley!
no worry, just in time to get well for CNY, drink more k, Ashley!
Your “Unwell again” post dated 25th, now is 27th, i bet she is up and kicking already… send Ashely uncle eugene’s greeting and hug hug, ya.
you take care too
Oh dear, hope she’s ok already by now. Take care!
:(, get well soon Ashley.
Btw, she’s fine with you giving her suppository?
Everytime child sick, the mum suffer the most.
take care
gosh… you got 1 patient at home. I got 3 patient including myself!!
HOpe everyone get well soon. hahaha!!!