Sinus & Asthma

I have sinus but it is not very bad until the extend that I get a headache.  I sneeze all day, especially when I smell cigarette smoke or perfume.  I would also get runny nose if I sleep in an aircond room continuously.   My sinus was really bad towards the end of last year and I developed Asthma because of that.  I was wheezing very badly one morning and had to rush to a 24-hour clinic.  I was given the  Nebulizer for the first time in my life  🙁  The doctor also gave me some medications to take whenever I wheeze.

I went to see another doctor recently and told her about my sinus problem. She suggested that I take this nasal spray which is a lot better than taking medication as it goes directly to the nose.  The best way to control my asthma is to prevent any sinus.  I have been taking this spray for a week now and it is really good.  No more sneezing or runny nose so far *touch wood*  This nasal spray would last me a month.  Guess, beside buying face cream, I would need to buy this spray every month.


The doctor also suggested that I take the H1N1 shot since I am in the high risk group 🙁  Has anyone taken this jab?  I think I should go for it this Saturday.  The jab cost rm80.

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28 Responses to Sinus & Asthma

  1. Paik Ling says:

    A friend’s sister has taken it as she is pregnant and works in the hospital. She said no side effect. Take care re: your sinus.

  2. mnhl says:

    No. Did not take that jab. But am worried of H1N1 too…because now, having sore throat.

  3. yvonne says:

    it’s recommended to take this jab especially when you’re considered in the high risk group. prevention is always better than cure. my hubs too had sinus, a long long time ago when he was in his 20s. i’m not sure how he recovered from it. good thing is, his sinus seemed to be disappeared when we had our 1st born.

  4. BoeyJoey says:

    I wanted to bring QQ for the jab too as she also has asthma… but I’ve inquired a few hospitals and they say they do not have the vaccine. Where did you take yours?

    Hope you are feeling much better now. Take care.

  5. I heard from a family friend this morning that Buntong’s government clinic is giving these jabs for free… Still considering if I should go.

    Hope you feel better. Take care!!

  6. Mommy Ling says:

    Oh…i have the same prob like u too. I think is pretty hassle sneezing ere n there. I also been using nasal spray to clear the nose block n prevent sneezing..but mine is different from ur.i have been using a throat spray also cos when my throat itchy, i ll sneeze as well.

  7. Mummy Gwen says:

    I did not take the jab. I think Gwen and I should take the jab. How come Malaysia still having H1N1..haih..Indonesia is ok wor.

    Take care of yourself ya. It’s good to know the spray works for you. Hope no more sneezing and runny nose anymore.

  8. ChloeMummy says:

    I have this irritating sneezing problem too… dust allergy, which is not as serious as yours, although on a bad day, I can sneeze up to a hundred times, I think. Is the H1N1 vaccine really effective? Cos I know the ordinary flu jab isn’t.

  9. sheohyan says:

    Take good care Barb, recently the weather is quite terrible.

  10. kristie says:

    I have sinus too….. really irritating where I can sneese the entire day with watery eyes, feel so sleepy too. I am taking zyrtec-D though. Never tried nasal spray b4.

  11. Merryn says:

    No, have not taken the jab yet. Maybe you should given ur condition..

  12. Clairity says:

    Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  13. is it influvac 2010? My paed recommended us to take the jab as well. But i googled it and there is a long list of side effects la..which you may or may not get. But if you’re in the high risk group and if your doc recommend you to take, i guess better take it ya.
    I have my bouts of sneezing too. I used to take clarinase. Now i just take one tablet of aerius(you can get it at the pharmacy) and sleep and I wake up with no more sniffles. I just took it last weekend.

    hi dinah. I’m not sure what it’s called. according to my doctor, all doctors/nurses in the hospitals have safely received this jab. i did ask her about the side effects and she said it is very minor…usually like the side effects some ppl would get after taking the flu jab such as headache, rashes and all. if it’s really as serious as what was mentioned on the internet, no doctors would recommend it 😀

  14. syn says:

    poor u, yes do get that jab since doc said you’re in the high risk. i need to remind myself to get it soon for the whole family. u take care!

  15. claire says:

    my son also has sinus… perhaps he should get this jab too.. tell us more when u have jabbed it this saturday, Barb..

  16. jacss says:

    from sinus to asthma is really bad ehh…i used to hv sinus too but as age catch up, it’s getting better. now i hope that my boys’sinus won’t get worse else i’ll take note of the nasal spray, is it a perscribe med? or can get it fr pharmacy with perscription? emmm, am pondering abt the h1n1 jab? update us more abt it….

  17. Blur Mama says:

    oh. funny why i always thought that asthma develop from kids age, not adult. I know having asthma can be diffcult. I hope the nasal spray works. Take care Barb!

  18. Macy says:

    Sorry to hear about your sinuses. Hope you feel better Barb. Our own family too the H1N1 shot, no side affects..

  19. Annie Q says:

    Take care Barb. When i am young, my sinus was quite bad, every morning i will sneeze non stop and nose stop to block and always sound “flu”. I took Vit C then don’t know how it stop and i am ok now. Fearles got sensitive nose/ sinus, just like me. He always sound “having flu” and nose blocked.

  20. health freak says:

    My mum only developed asthma when she was 60yo+ and she also needs the nebulizer now. I used to hv very bad sinus and allergy (no asthma). A clean house (I try to minimize dust), exercise and popping Cod Liver oil reduced the symptoms. Now, I no longer hv bad sinus but my nose will itch and I’ll sneeze non-stop if there’s lots of dust or smoke around me. You may want to try the Rainbow vacuum cleaner. Dust mites could also be one of the culprits and Rainbow can remove dust mites.

  21. Krystal says:

    Barb, take care yah. I’m also in the high risk group but too scared to take the jab.

  22. Shirley Loo says:

    my hubby is havin bad sinus as well .. every morning sure have to sneeze, until I actually couldnt figure out if hes havin real flu or juz sinus.. I will recomend him this spray as it works wonder for u 😉 glad u r ok now Barb, do take care of urself.. about the H1N1 jab, Last time when all over the world is haunting for them, the vaccine is not yet released. Now that its released I think we all should just get them loh since the viruses are back in action!!! 😉

  23. HN says:

    I took he jab Barb.. and still alive 😀 I sincerely hope tha you will get better soon 🙂

  24. MK mummy says:

    We didnt take the jab, instead we took the normal flu jab. Saw some doc on H1N1 jab and hub decided not to take the jab.

  25. Hope you get well soon!

  26. Alice Law says:

    Sorry to hear that you have asthma, my best friend has asthma too (since she was a kid) and she really suffer a lot! I would think RM80 really worth it for a H1N1 jab, it’s much cheaper than phemococcal… atleast it would exempt you from further worries and the pricey H1N1 treatment(touch wood)!
    Have a happy weekend!

  27. 2ma says:

    i hv sinus too, and it was bad last year. but somehow, i dunno what i did or ate, my sinus has stopped *touch wood* the nasal spray somehow dun work for me. anyway, u may want to consider a 2nd opinion before u go for your h1n1 jab? take care ya!

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