something true

I was blog-hopping last night and came upon a “Something True About Yourself” post by one of my favourite bloggers.  Thought I’ll borrow the idea from her and do one too.  Below are something true about me :

* I am starting to get pigmentation on my face….due to age perhaps?

* I am a worry-wart!

*  I have oily hair and there is nothing much I can do about it.  I inherited this genes from my dad.

* I suck at maths (that’s why I’m sending Ashley to mental maths)

* I’m scared of walking on bridges. I have this fear of falling.

* I am very impatient.

* I get p*ssed when I hear people brag.

* I don’t know how to accessorize with belts.

*  I get super cranky when my house is in a mess (which is like all the time).

Would you like to share something true about yourself?  It can be anything, big or small, something that makes you happy or otherwise 🙂

Have a great weekend peeps!

happy friday2-sfgirlfriday

image via sfgirlfriday

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10 Responses to something true

  1. Charmaine says:

    All of the above sounds familiar.. except for the oily hair and walking on bridges. My problem is losing hair…due to hormone changes and stress.

  2. sheohyan says:

    Many things happen I can also blame it to the hormone. Hormone imbalance make our life sucks.

  3. lena says:

    i laugh when i hear you laugh!

    oh really? kakakakakaka. when are we meeting up again? have you been meeting the girls often?

  4. lena says:

    when? i dun know..maybe i see you in bkk..

  5. Angeline says:

    When I was young, I also afraid of walking over the bridge…

  6. Hayley says:

    Now, I know abit better about you 😉

    You too, have a great weekend!

  7. yvonne says:

    I get cranky and sulky when my house is in that messy state, then I start bragging and complaining, kekeke!

  8. ipohgal says:

    I shared four things with you – I have oily hair too, I am hopeless in maths, I am impatient and I am a clean freak! And I hates arrogant people too.

  9. Venie says:

    Your truth look alot like mind… 😀
    worry-wart, impatient, get p*ssed when I hear people brag and my home is a mess all the time… 😀

  10. Carolyn says:

    Clearly, we have quite many things in common lol.

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