making her own sentences

Ashley’s homework yesterday was making sentences in Chinese.   She did No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 in school under her teacher’s guidance I think.  She asked me what sentence can she make with the words – 要是  “Yao Shi” which is at No. 5.  She said it means “If”.   I told her to think carefully and make her own.

So, she came out with “要是明天没有上学, 我要去海边”  – If tomorrow there is no need to go to school, I want to go to the beach.   I hope the sentence is correct 😛  Nevertheless,  I am so proud of my little munchkin who, just last year did not know or speak any Mandarin.  She is so much better than her mama who cried every day for the first 3 weeks of school because her parents put her in a Chinese school.  In the end, her parents had to enrol her in a Catholic school where everyone spoke English 😛

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18 Responses to making her own sentences

  1. chanelwong says:

    Well done…n good job..

  2. littlelamb says:

    Impressed. I m exactly having the same feeling cos P dont speak n write much Chinese now. Hope he can write sentences come Std 1.

  3. Carolyn says:

    I’m also apprehensive about this. She only speaks Mandarin when she needs to. Cross my fingers! That’s really a good job. She’s a strong girl.

  4. It’s correct. Children can catch up really fast. Don’t worry. I think she is doing a good job there. Ashley seems to love beach a lot. There are 3 sentences associated with beach/sea.

  5. Chloe'sMummy says:

    Well done, Ashley! Kids learn and pick up languages very fast and easily.

  6. Jojo-yi says:

    “She is so much better than her mama who cried every day for the first 3 weeks of school because her parents put her in a Chinese school. In the end, her parents had to enrol her in a Catholic school where everyone speaks English” – i like this description. i heard munchkin’s mama also threw her schoolbag. muwahahahahahahahahahah ! ashley also made two sentences herself on no. 7 (‘zhao’ @ look for) and 8 (‘sing sing’ @ stars)

  7. yvonne says:

    *clap clap*

    Bravo, Ashley! I can’t even write those simple words :p

  8. Health Freak says:

    Ashley is very smart. Considering that no one speaks to her in Mandarin at home, she is doing great!!

  9. Glad to hear that Ashley is doing great in school. I trust she also loves going to school now. 🙂

  10. Mummy Gwen says:

    Ashley is coping very well. I’m glad to hear that. I think her sentence is correct. I hope Gwen can cope when she goes to Primary 1 next year.

  11. Kitty says:

    Well done, Ashley. She is doing well!

  12. Ipohgal says:

    Right or wrong, at least she was better than most of us yellow bananas. Don’t worry, Barb. I don’t know a word of Chinese too but my kids could picked them up easily at school from friends and teachers.

  13. Asianmommy says:

    Wow–that is amazing! Just shows what a good teacher can do.

  14. MK mummy says:

    bravo!! keep it up!!

  15. mom2ashley says:

    that’s really good! Ashley didn’t know how to do 6 and 7. She said she knows what to write but don’t know how to write some of the words… :S

  16. sheohyan says:

    Good try, Ashley. Kudos to her.

  17. Thanks for all you kind comments 🙂

  18. Kiddothings says:

    So glad to know she’s tougher than her mama 😉

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