sound familiar?

Just a thought.  Don’t you find it annoying when people brag about themselves?  I have met people who boast about their achievements, their kids’ achievements, their new huge flat screen lcd tvs, the new car in their driveway, the vacation they took, how much they spent on material stuff,  announced to everyone that their mortgage has been paid off,  or what they have done for others.  The list goes on.  Tooting your own trumpet so loudly that no one else can hear themselves is just awful.  I try to steer clear of people like that.

Then they are those who love to put a price tag on everything.  There is a couple I know who do not fail to inform their friends that they have just spent $$ shopping for clothes, $$ for presents and etc.  It has become so bad that friends are avoiding them.  Worse is that their only son, a 10 year old, is beginning to sound like his parents.  Many of us were taught from childhood that it is not nice to  show off, brag or boast about yourself.

Braggarts are everywhere.  I just wonder why they brag?  Is it because they are insecure so bragging make them feel good about themselves?  Or do they want people to think well of them?

How do you feel about people who brag? Do you speak up and silence them, act that you don’t care or do you tactfully change the subject when they start going into their bragging mode?


image via google image
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15 Responses to sound familiar?

  1. Hayley says:

    Yea, these people are around us everywhere! Depends on my mood or how close I am with that person, but most of the time I’ll just let them brag and keep quiet, thinking that these people just need attention….

  2. sheohyan says:

    What Hayley said here is right too. But, I would speak up to them when I cannot take it anymore. Live down to earth, be grateful to what we already possess and be humble all the time are all good principle. Being boastful and arrogant are only making you look silly infront of others.

    can’t agree more! probably the word humble is not in their dictionary 🙂

  3. A child will follow what parents does….. Sure the boy follow what the mother did…

    Hearing bragging once in a while is ok; if everyday like that, I think better just avoid talking to him/her lo… If it’s friends, we can choose to mix around with him/her or not still…

  4. Rose says:

    Yes, braggarts are everywhere. I have few friends that like that. Not only they brag, but they are stingy with the money. Everytime go makan with them, they will not pay for their share. Shame on them!

  5. Normally, I will just keep silence and listen to what they say. Try not to offense them.

  6. ipohgal says:

    Have you ever heard of the Chinese proverb “One type of rice feeds one hundred types of people?” yeah, braggarts are everywhere and we can’t do much about them, can we? I think we just tolerate them.

    it’s hard when you see them often 🙂

  7. Alice Law says:

    LOL, just give thm a smile and walk away…

    or perhaps a smack on the face….hahahhaha. not easy when you are surrounded by such ppl 😉

  8. Angeline says:

    Braggats are everywhere. Being boasting around but they are stingy with their pocket money. Sigh….this kind of people, I rather smile, keep silent and walk away….Guess this will really “Kek Sei” he or she cos we never respond anything and buat tak tau….

  9. ChloeMummy says:

    Ooops, I always blog about C’s milestones and personal progresses, and recently, about our vacation too… hope I didn’t sound too “braggy” haha. Sometimes, I feel that many bloggers do that unintentionally. As for the real show-offs, when they have it and they flaunt it, it is none of my business so just listen and forget it lah :p

    nah, you are not like them and i’m not talking about bloggers. you note down those things as memories. anyway it’s your blog and you can write what you like eh? it’s none of my business too but when they brag in my face and I have to listen to it, that’s darn annoying. Those that I know would do it not once but at every opportunity 🙂

  10. Alesia says:

    People brag to hide their insecurities or try to make themselves feel better about their life. I’ve met a few usually I’d avoid them or just smile and listen lor. I don’t like people who ‘complain’ about the amount of money they spent on things, that’s a whole new level of bragging – adui just burned a huge hole in the pocket buying a new LV bag or going for a holiday at {insert an expensive hotel name}

    But I do brag about my little girl!!hehehe

  11. Ain’t there one too many of those ppl in our lives ? Either be brave enough to smack them off or practise selective hearing.
    pssssttt.. sometimes the outlaws also liddat @!@!@!

  12. lena says:

    yeah, dont understand why certain people will just like to brag about everything..their lavish lifestyles, how much they spent on this and that..but if that bragging makes them feel good, let them be..hmm..dont think it’s nice to speak up afterall it’s not going to affect us …luckily there;s no one in our group who does that.. late still not asleep yet? oh yeah..luckily none of our bffs are like this 😛 that’s why we can still be friends for so long 😉 so, are you pretty excited now? counting the days?

  13. sasha says:

    u talking about who ah?…. hahhahah anyway no point answering them cos they are like that edi, they just wanna talk to make themselves feel more superior than other ppl. Let them syiok sendiri la. 🙂

  14. Irene says:

    i have a fren exactly like this, brags about their material achievements, what a great mom she is, doing this n that for her kids, i jus avoid chatting with her. easy.

  15. Kit says:

    I think they brag just so they can assure themselves that they are doing better than others. Self-affirmation? 😉

    Like your post! I especially cannot stand braggarts who bring others down while they’re blowing their own trumpet. Ugh.

    They’ll get a big smile and a big BYE!!! from me….

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