When my mother-in-law left for Toronto last Sept, Ashley did not ask for her mah mah when she was not around. Whenever we asked her where mah mah is, Ashley would reply, “Tolonto” 😀 Ever since MIL came back on Monday, Ashley has been sticking to her like glue. She wants her mah mah to sit down with her and play with her. Then when she woke up from her nap yesterday, the first thing she asked was where her mah mah is 🙂 I wonder what would happen when my MIL goes back in 3 weeks time.
My MIL and SIL bought some clothes & toys for Ashley. Here’s her loot :-
Lovely tops
Roots Tshirt from 2nd Aunt
hi, just passed by.Happy Labour Day!
Thats really lovely! Hope ur havin a great time *wink*
such lovely clothes! Ashley must be grandma’s favourite! so sweet, usually kids will tend to distant from the person once they don’t see for a long time..she deserved the pressie