Strange things are happening

Yesterday afternoon, I saw some new opportunity at P**. I grabbed one and started to do my post. It took about 30 minutes and then I submitted it. Right after I clicked ‘Take the O**”, there is a red message on top saying that the O** has been taken up. What?????? How could that happened? I have reserved for it. Sigh….this is actually the 2nd time it has happened to me.

Later, I grabbed another o** and when I submitted it, the message came on and said I didn’t use the correct link, etc. I fixed it and did everything over and over again. Yet I wasn’t able to submit my post. It took me 30 minutes to do the post and another 40 minutes trying to submit. In the end, I gave up.

I spent 2 hours doing the above and in the end I couldn’t submit them 🙁 Bummer!! I’ve given them a ticket and still waiting for them to look into it. Has any of you experienced this before?

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5 Responses to Strange things are happening

  1. Mummy to QiQi says:

    i normally experience that too, where i cant submit my URL. hate it especially working for those with more than one link. It is very confusing and most of the time, this kinda post mostly got rejected! Recently lagi worst, there isnt any opportunity that i can write for more than 1 week liao 🙁

  2. Etcetera~Mommy says:

    Yes.. happened to me too but I gather it was bcos my line got disconnected.. u noe la our ever reliable connection…

  3. mama bok says:

    Yup.. ! happened so many times.. i just parked them on my draft.. and hope that one day.. the opp will come out again..! i gave up.. asking them to help… because they always say.. “it shouldn’t be” .. oh well..!
    And no good opp lately too.. so sad..!

  4. mom2ashley says:

    it’s such a waste of time isn’t it? ppp sucks lately..

  5. Mommy to Chumsy says:

    mummy to qiqi – yeah…it is confusing and i’ve spent so much time doing it 🙁

    etcetera mommy – my line was fine. just something wrong with their system 🙁

    mamabok – also saved the draft..hoping that one day the opp will turn up again…sigh.

    mom2ashley – sucks big time!!

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