NOT like to ask for directions? A few weeks ago, we were invited to attend Kieran‘s birthday party and I have also blogged about it. Kieran’s mommy drew a map to their house for the guests and I asked my hubby to print out the map. He took one look at the map and brought out his new toy. It’s the one below. Know what is that?
It’s a Garmin GPS gadget. My hubby said have GPS will travel 😉 So, he checked the address against this gadget and told me that it’s all set. The GPS already has the address cos it’s pretty up todate. So off we went to the party, with the thing giving him directions inside the car. Even Ashley was amused and whenever the gadget said ‘Turn Right”, Ashley would repeat after it. So, when we reached the main entrance to this housing area, the GPS said ‘At 900 metres, Turn Right“. You see, both hubs and I are not very good with our maths. We didn’t know how far is 900 metres. So, he turned right waaay too early and ended up in the wrong place.
From the road signs, I knew we were at the wrong place and I kept telling my hubby about it. However, he insisted that we follow the GPS which kept telling him to “TURN RIGHT“. You can imagine how many times we went round and round, circling the same row of houses just because the GPS said Turn Right!!!! I was still very patient and I asked hub to stop the car nearby and I would go down and ask the security guard. Know what he said? “No Need. We have the GPS“ *faint* Well, we finally made it to the party on time because it suddenly dawned on my husband that we had made a turn too early. So, he went back to the main road and drove further until it’s almost 900 metres and TURN RIGHT. Once we have reached our destination, he said, “See, how useful this GPS is?” 😀
Hahaha…daddykhong is thinking of getting one for me..cos’ I’m really BAD at directions. So good or not?
Ha Ha hilarious! Next time use the car odometer as well for distance 🙂
actually, becoz the msian roads change so much, the gps does do the crazy dance, and make u go the longest way…
plus, for some roads which changed directions (from two way to one way), the GPS wud INSIST u go on the one way road…it’s damn FARNEEE!!!!!!!!!
oops..sorry.. didn’t mean to make fun of it!!! 😉
it has been reported when one opted for the shortest way, the GPS actually directed the driver to drive across the ocean, literally! unless that person had a james bond car, i pretty much doubt he reached his destination 😛
Alamak, GPS also can go wrong. Is the GPS expensive? I thot of getting one since my sense of direction sucks but now… haha, 2nd thoughts.
yvonne – this gadget is pretty good. However, you have to follow the instruction precisely. sometimes though, it would ask you to take a longer route to your destination. guess it doesn’t know that we have many lubang to go 😀
bryan’s mama – ahhhhh..that’s a good idea…hehehehehee. thanks.
mott – i know 😀 hahahaha.
sweetpea – this is funny!
shireen – this lil gadget is abt rm1k i think. i believe we women don’t need stuff like this. we can always ask for directions, right?
Aiyo, my husband is very, very bad when it comes to directions. He can’t recognise landmarks and places somehow. Don’t know why. Perhaps this GPS thing is really what he needs, although there is no guarantee he won’t get lost still!
this is a very good gadget for us, but then is it really that gd ah? if so must consider cause hubby never likes to stop to ask, must find himself one..wats up with men asking ppl for direction? ego? pride?
I have the same GPS. Hahahah.. and the secret to it is never listen to it. You have to look at the map itself. 😀
Btw.. how much is it in KL?