I snapped some photos of my inlaw’s luggage. They are leaving tomorrow and my SIL was busy packing the stuff. Ok….I didn’t take the photos when she was packing. They are out now….gone for some spa so I quickly take the photos *lol* bad bad! In total…there are 3 big luggage bags, 2 smaller bags (hand-carry) and 3 big boxes. They have been buying so many things, especially 3-in-1 coffee and ‘tau sah’ cookies as gifts for friends back in Toronto. I do pity the porters because these bags are really heavy 🙂
One of the boxes – filled with cookies and instant noodles
Luggage bags and hand carry
wah..so many barang. 😀
Just looks like my luggage whenever I make a trip back to Malaysia – food stuff more than anything else.
By the way, i didn’t go to the outlet mall in Vegas. Out of the way plus not enough time!!! If only we have one more day….
Muahahha!! bad, bad.. “wag finger”.. 😉
my fav him heang is in there!
i bet they came with an almost empty luggage bag, kan? cos that what we did..a huge but empty luggage bag..and fill it with a smaller luggage back that has our nessessities and clothes..hehe
wah…so daring hah you, hahaha!!!! custom won stop them for being overload?
wow wow wow..all are cookies!!