My First

When we dropped by 1Utama over the weekend because my sis wanted to get Ashley a pressie, I saw so many SALE signs on all the stores.  Boy, it sure was tempting.  Of course, I wasted no time and checked out all my favourite stores but to my surprise, I could not find anything I like.  My mum who came along managed to get a north face fleece jacket as she will be going to Hong Kong for a vacation next week.  The weather is pretty cool in Hong Kong now, especially at night so a jacket is good to keep her warm.  I thought I would be able to save some money since I did not get anything until I saw Charles & Keith.  I’ve heard a lot about this shop but have not checked them out before 😉

hehehehe…I could not resist and bought a pair of shoes. My first pair from Charles & Keith.  You all know that I am a shoeholic eh?  My sisters almost went crazy when they found out about Charles & Keith‘s branch opening in KL.  Then of course, my dear friend, Jan ( is also a big fan of them. She told me that when she was still in Singapore, she used to buy a pair every week.  Can you imagine that?  A pair of shoes a week?  Boy, I wanna see her shoe closet!!  Since she has migrated, she can no longer get Charles & Keith.  Therefore, when I told her that I bought my first pair the other day, she wanted to see the shoes 😀

Ok Jan, here is what I got 😀  Yes, I just can’t get enough of wedge shoes.  Got to be real careful when wearing it because white shoe stains easily 🙂  Charles & Keith has many wedge designs and I like this pair because it is very comfortable.  What do you think? Nice?

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22 Responses to My First

  1. We also have a C&K branch here which opened last year but never buy. I’m a HUGE supporter of Hush Puppies as comfort is my No.1 priority 🙂

    oh yes, that’s where my sis bought her C&K shoes too 🙂 I used to like Hush Puppies but I find the heeled ones not too comfortable anymore 🙁

  2. min says:

    haha when i first came to Singapore, i buy at least a pair of Charles and Keith every 2 weeks too!! because the price is reasonable! I have many pairs sitting on the selves that i’ve yet to wear them!! have to take a pic of your shoe closet and post it in your blog cos I wanna see your shoe collection 😉

  3. health freak says:

    I love wedge shoes too and I have a few pairs sitting in my shoe closet. BTW, are CK shoes very costly, like in hundreds of ringgit a pair?

    err….i think most of the shoes are above rm100 🙂

  4. Paik Ling says:

    Nice 🙂 Don’t feel bad cos when I used to go to Singapore for work very often, I used to buy 3-4 pairs each time too. Think I have about 15 pairs of C&K shoes haha. But in Singapore, they are much cheaper – I will only pay about SGD30 per pair.

  5. mummy gwen says:

    The shoes is very nice and look comfy too. Must be expensive huh..hehe

  6. Merryn says:

    no matter how much money i have (not that i have alot lah!), i cant buy branded shoes as my shoe size is 3 n not many designer carry that size.. so i always ended up shopping for shoes in Vincci as that is the only place with abundant size 3s!!!! n there, really can buy shoes every week coz sooo cheap! hahahaha..

  7. Uncle Lee says:

    Hi Babs, Women and shoes….I only last week did a posting on this! Ha ha.
    Nice pair you got there….
    I dare not count or look at my wife’s shoe closet….I think some only touch the road once, maybe twice, ha ha.
    You have fun, and keep a song in your heart. Best regards, Lee.

  8. kristie says:

    when i was working, i was a shoeholic too hehehe 🙂 but now being a SAHM, i resist getting them cos i hardly wear heels 🙂

    i love wedges too! I use to buy shoes from Charles and Keith in Singapore.

  9. Charming says:

    Lovely pair of shoes… a lady cannot have enough shoes. My hubby is constantly asking why am I buying shoes? What can I say? I’m going to add this store to my shopping list when I visit Msia later this year.

  10. Beluga says:

    aiks…I went to 1U also tak nampak. In new wing ah? Oh yes, they are lovely :-).

  11. lemonjude says:

    Nice pair of wedges you have…long time I’m not wearing those..CK shoes is a bit pricey, but worth for the quality.

  12. jasmine says:

    nice one! i can only admire coz i have wide feet…so, i cannot wear all the interesting & attractive shoe designs *sob*

  13. Marilyn says:

    Very nice!…I can’t imagine it looks more gorgeous n elegant if goes with pedicures as well…Charles & Keith also on offer?….I so long never step to 1U edi…

  14. Irene says:

    wah, as paik ling told, SGD30 a pair, maciam nie, no wonder Jan bought C&K shoes every week lah! cheap! hahaha…

  15. Irene says:

    cheap as in when ur staying in Singapura la hor, don’t convert 🙂

  16. Annie Q says:

    yea, i had heard a lot about this shop too, but never check out the shoe yet. Should go and have a look huh.

  17. Uncle Lee says:

    Hi Babs, how you doin? My wife giving birth next week. Drop by, Lee.

  18. Angeleyes says:

    C&K has been in Sg for a looong time but funny thing is I never buy any. Some of my friends love the shoes there and they can buy a few pairs at a time! 😛

  19. jacss says:

    yes nice & it looks comfy too!! wonder berapa ratus tu?? btw, i also never check out this brand….yet, LOL

  20. Krystal says:

    Your wedges look nice 🙂 I heard a lot of this brand too and checked out their store at Pavilion. Love a number of shoes there but unfortunately don’t have my size – i’ve big feet!

  21. Anne says:

    Ahh, these are really cute! They look very comfortable too and you can also wear them to work (provided that you’re allowed to wear open shoes, of course). I envy you that you can wear sandals now… I think we need to wait a few more weeks before it gets warm enough to bear our toes!

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