we are back ;)

Got back from Ipoh today.  So glad to be home eventhough we were gone for a short while. The hotel we stayed in sucked big time. Either the aircond in the room was very dry or Ashley was bitten by bed bugs 🙁   Her hands, legs, the back of her neck, ears and back were very itchy and she scratched till certain areas bleed 🙁  I applied some antiseptic cream for her but it didn’t help.  Wonder why the bugs didn’t attack me instead.

On the other hand, we managed to eat some good stuff in Ipoh like curry mee, bean sprout chicken, had white coffee and etc.  Got to start my diet tomorrow 😀    Ashley misses her toys and books so much that she quickly dug out some books and ransacked the toy baskets as soon as she arrived home.  Mess mess and more mess.

reading on the sofa

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19 Responses to we are back ;)

  1. Annie Q says:

    welcome back!! hehehheeh

  2. I also always wonder why the kids are more prone to all these insect bites. Sigh…

  3. sasha says:

    i heard kids kena bites more often than adults cos they are slightly warmer and it attracts the insects. And also cos they are not as fast as adult. Welcome back:)

  4. rachel says:

    awww Ipoh food always win my heart….*drooling*

  5. Merryn says:

    if oni u can ‘catch’ the bugs n showed it to the front desk manager, u’ll sure to get some compensation! serious! no pomeloes eh?

  6. kristie says:

    welcome back dear!

    hopefully ashley’s skin will heal soon from all those #$%%@$ bites…

  7. Eva says:

    Welcome back!! by the way which hotel you stay?

  8. Beluga says:

    Velkum bak!! 🙂

  9. FamilyFirst says:

    Ipoh = good food! I still love the nga choi kai lar!

  10. Lina says:

    Wah…hahhah…look @ her left hand, so dainty so ‘siu jie’ leh 😛 Could it be food allergy that caused the itch on her? Used to KL food n not too used to Ipoh’s food. Sometimes, even a simple dish like bean sprouts chicken can caused it

  11. Ann says:

    Oh gosh…that is bad! THe bed bugs I mean. Where did you stay?

    Glad she loved her toys and books though….although messy as it is!

  12. It’s been sometime I never drop by. Ashley is such a big girl now. Poor Ashley and “shoo shoo” away for all the bugs. 🙂

  13. jasmine says:

    next time, bring some of ashley’s toys when traveling *hehe*

  14. lemonjude says:

    Home is always good…welcome back..hope Ashley is ok now, may be can let her try calamine lotion..

  15. claire says:

    hi Barb..good to see u back .. sorry to hear the mosquitos bit yr ashley … normally the bugs look for sweet young blood.. it is always like that.. perhaps our blood tastes bitter to them.. 🙂
    anyway, hope u enjoy the food..

  16. health freak says:

    I miss Ipoh food very much too but I managed to eat them yesterday coz my mil went bk to Ipoh and bought some 🙂 My gals are just like Ashley. Whenever they’re bk fr a holiday, they will be so happy to see their toys, just like lovers who have been away from each other hehe…

  17. HN says:

    Welcome back !!! Can’t wait to see more pictures of Ipoh food 😛

  18. wen says:

    she seems to like reading which is good

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