Hiong Piah From Yee Hup

I love eating hiong piah.  Every time when I am back in Ipoh, I would buy the famous Yee Hup Hiong Piah.   Each time my inlaws returned from Toronto, they will buy loads of these hiong piah to bring back as gifts for their friends.  See how famous these hiong piahs are?  They are very fresh, crunchy and baked in charcoal.   No preservatives or colouring too.


The new packing. Every hiong piah is individually wrapped.


Old packing..which is cheaper. Forgot the price though.


For the sugar-conscious fans. These hiong piahs are the same as the normal ones but without the sweet filling.

During our last trip back, my friend and I bought many packets for these addictive hiong piahs.  Been munching a lot of them.  Got to  start looking for the best diet pills so that I don’t put on weight.

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14 Responses to Hiong Piah From Yee Hup

  1. Eva says:

    yeah I like this too 😛

  2. BoeyJoey says:

    We love the ones with sweet filling… especially HQ. Yummy!

  3. rachel says:

    gosh..i hv not eaten these in ages…… yummy

  4. Health Freak says:

    I like the ones without any sweet fillings. They are charcoal baked? I never knew and yes, I like the individually wrapped ones. I love heong peng but they are darn fattening :S

  5. Annie Q says:

    Hey! Thanks for giving me one packet to try! It is really yummy!!! I eat half already!! hahahhahahaha

    Next time if you go back ipoh, i want to “tumpang” you to buy for me. 🙂 Can? Pretty? Please….

  6. joshua's mummy says:

    yum yum, i love these biscuits too

  7. Krystal says:

    I must remember this brand. Is it available in town or specific shops only? It is so convenient to have them individually wrapped. Those that I bought are not wrapped indiv, and when the kids eat, drop everywhere 🙁

  8. mummy gwen says:

    I seldom eat this coz always in KL where got chance to eat leh. OH..I must remember this brand coz it sounds really good..haha

  9. wenn says:

    i love d biscuits too. would usually buy from taiping.

  10. Lina says:

    U like this Barb? I dont quite fancy coz it find it rather dry

  11. 2ma says:

    yee hup heong peng is my favourite! i prefer the old packing which is more fresh & crunchy *yummy*

  12. jazzmint says:

    i love hiong piah too, but dunno what brand, simply makan oni

  13. Ann says:

    LOL….now a days many of them going to the old houses coz Yee Hup now uses oven! But my mum declares “THIS IS TOO MUCH!!” coz too expensive already these days! Teluk Intan and Taiping ones are different. The Tiger brand in fact can be found in Ipoh as well.

  14. The old packing is sold at RM6! Yup, have to agree with Ann. Yee Hup now uses oven. The real charcoal-baked ones can be found at a kampung nearby HQ. But of course, no individually packed ones for sale.

    oh really? the real ones….are they from yee hup too?

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