
Ashley is better today. Thanks everyone for your well-wishes.  Yesterday evening, we went to the paed again because her fever meds has finished.  The paed prescribed another fever meds – Brufen (ibuprofen) for her.  After feeding her meds at 5am this morning, her body didn’t feel warm until around 4pm.  I quickly gave her another dose.   Hope the stubborn fever will go away by tomorrow.   I heard that most fever would go away in a day or two but not Ashley.  Each time she has fever, it would take 4 to 5 days.  Once, it took her 10 days to recover from fever.  Really stressful for me.   Anyway, Ashley will be going to school tomorrow as she is 90% better.  Her teacher called me today and said that she has a lot of homework to be done *slap forehead*.    Also I cannot be off work so many days.  I better remember to look up the auto insurance quote for the boss tomorrow.

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13 Responses to better

  1. sheohyan says:

    Glad to know that she is better.

  2. Annie Q says:

    phew! Glad to hear that Ashley is feeling better now.

  3. Mummy Gwen says:

    That’s great to know Ashley is feeling much better now. Hope she will fully recovered soon.

  4. Glad to know that Ashley is feeling better now!

  5. Alesia says:

    Yay! Glad to know she’s feeling much better now 🙂

  6. kc says:

    oh, don’t worry. every kid in town seems to be down with fever, flu and/or cough now-it’s a way they build up their antibodies according to the paed… ashley would back in the pink real soon. cheerio!

    thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving your comment 🙂

  7. mummy moon says:

    Glad to know she is recovering.

  8. yvonne says:

    good to hear she’s better now. take care, ya!

  9. Great to hear she’s better now.

  10. jen cheung says:

    so happy to hear that she’s all bettter! =)

  11. Ann says:

    Wow…her fever lasts so long? Is her body the heaty type?

    Wah…this age don’t go to school, the homework pile up wan ah? I can’t remember last time when we don’t go to school, I thought don’t need to do the homework at all!!! I must be getting old.

  12. glad she’s better and I can imagine the stress you go through. you take care too…

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