I finally moved my butt and renewed my passport which has expired a year ago. I also took this opportunity to get Ashley her first passport too. Last week, she went to the photo studio to get her passport photo ready. My sister told her not to smile when taking her photo because she knows Ashley has her signature look i.e. head tilt and fingers on her face pose.
during the photo-taking session
This is how her passport photo looks like …..hehehehe. She looks so matured huh?
We went to the National Registration Department in Puchong Utama which has opened a new Immigration counter complete with modern office furniture to attend to the needs of the residents in Puchong. We do not reside in Puchong but we still went there because I was pretty sure that this place would not be packed like the ones at Damansara or Wilayah Kompleks. We arrived at around 8.30am and were Number 5 in line. Ashley and I got our passports at around 10am. Fast eh? The officers were courteous and friendly. So, if you stay in Puchong or near its vicinity, you can go to this Immigration Dept to renew your passport.
Here are our passports in the cute handmade passport holders from Sewing Monster (www.sewingmonster.blogspot.com). I got the sweet Yumiko holder for Ashley but guess what? She prefers the one on the right because it has more PINK! *slaps forehead*
Nice mah!! Thanks for the tip. I’m due to renew mind and also want to get a passport for Bradley. In case need to suddently cabut lari hahahaha
Eh the passport holder is so cute! I never know got such thing la… *damn jakun*
Hahaha, Ashley looks so serious! The other day I brought Avery to get her 1st passport photo (for school use) and she looks awkward in it, lol! No smile mah….
i also bought the passport holder from Sewing Monster..
Planning a holiday soon?
Ashley looks quite serious in the photo. This reminds me to bring my girl to renew her passport and the new one will be her third copy.
haha…very serious looking Ashley…
i heard there are kiosks now in the Immigration dept too.. wonder how it works..
Where are you guys going to? Ashley’s 1st overseas trip?
Now I’m curious to know where you are going
The passport holders are cute!
Ashley going to fly soon! Hehe..
The passpost holders are just too cute!
Din know passport photo can have those hair clips. Thought it should have the ‘original’ look.
The passport holder so nice…. Yay…Ashley gonna fly soon !
hahaha….serious indeed! The passport holders are really nice.
I like the cover….
The Damansara branch is not that bad actually. I renewed my passport and made a new passport for baby Damien last month. Was at PBD just before 8am and I got the passports by 9.15am. I was very surprised by their efficiency too
I went to the passport place in damansara heights on sunday! hehe i guess u know my story too (about the amazing race bali thinggy) but what i love the most is the photobooth la… can see yrself and pose nicely then only take pic.
Ash looks so matured in the pic and of course very pretty:)
Glad she like the cover and thank you again
She looks sweet in the picture. Where you plan to go with Ashley for holiday?
I have yet to make any passport for my son and I wonder whether he can sit and keep still enough for his passport photo to be taken…..^_^
I love ashley’s top!
I usually go to shah alam branch. Quite fast
Ashley looked serious in the photo…hehe…still pretty though.
Now I know where to renew my passport…thanks for sharing.
Ash look so serious in the photo geh ? Did you not make monkey face to make her laugh ? LOLOL…..
Is this her first passport ? I bet she must be proud to finally hold a passport BUT..I bet she likes the passport holders better. soo cute !
Good! Ashley got her passport, now she can fly anytime lo.
I love her black top, very nice!! She look so serious in the picture. hahahhahaha
she do look serious. Better than mine, hubs say one looks like gangster, one more like lost soul LOL