Doing My Mom Duty

As missy stays in her dormitory for her pre-U, she would buy her lunch and dinner from the cafeteria in the university. Sometimes she’ll walk over to the restaurant at the apartment across from her university for some good Middle Eastern cuisine or she’ll go out with her friends to the nearby mall for food and grocery shopping.

Missy only knows how to cook simple food like noodles and eggs. If she wants to do some cooking, she would have to do it at the pantry area using a shared induction cooker and her own cooking utensils.

Since she prefers not to do any cooking, I would prep some dinners for her to bring over to her dorm every Sunday. That’s when she goes back to the dorm after spending the weekend at home. This way, she would have some variety of food instead of just ordering food from the cafeteria.  Here are some of the food that I have prepared for missy.

Rice with stir fry chicken and mixed vegetables.

Pasta carbonara with ham

Roasted tomato pasta

Noodles with Japanese curry and chicken / egg wrap

I would snap a pic of all the food that I have cooked so that I can remember what I have cooked for her. I am actually running out of ideas on what to prepare for her so I would go to Instagram or FB and watch some cooking posts for inspiration. These few months, she’s on a break until she starts her first year in September. Although I don’t have to cook any food for her to bring to the dorm, I still have to cook a few times a week since she’s home now.

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