The Address of The Massage Center

I know….most mommies who read my post regarding the massage I had on Sunday would like to have one too.  Ok…so here is the address of the massage center:-

No. 56 Jalan Hujan Rahmat 2, OUG, KL 
Tel:  03 77838332

It is located on the first floor of a shoplot.  At the ground floor, there is a beauty and slimming center called Angel Face.  I think both the massage and beauty centers are owned by the same person.   Oh, btw, the photos I posted earlier are not of the massage center.  I just copied them from some websites.  The one that I went to does not look as classy as the one shown in the photo though. However, it is clean, simple and decorated in Balinese style.  The massage center was opened in Dec 2008.  It is opened till 8pm every day and there are 3 Indonesian lady masseurs. The promotion – rm25 for 1 hour is until the end of March 2009.  After that, it will be rm28 an hour.  There is also a Package Deal going on – rm168 for 6 sessions.  Do email me if you need more info 😉 

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11 Responses to The Address of The Massage Center

  1. Merryn says:

    aiseh… OUG.. so far for me.. petrol oso wont cover.. ahahhahaha… thanx for the info.. 🙂

  2. mummy gwen says:

    Glad to hear you had a good massage. I need one badly too..hehe. Wah..address also provided ah. Thanks for the info and the Little Cravings’ location. 😉

  3. kristie says:

    thanks dear for the address!

    wow even rm28 per hour still cheap…

    OUG too far for me… anyway thanks 🙂

  4. Beluga says:

    i must bookmark this page so when I’m done ‘bombing’, I will definitely want some of that…hehehe…

  5. lemonjude says:

    Oh, I know where is it…I passed by that shop every week leh…it is an end shoplot right? with brown door…I will sure give a try…

  6. Irene says:

    hmmm… gotta go for this 🙂

  7. Annie Q says:

    oh, after promo it still cheap, RM28 an hour. Is it nearby steven corner that area one ar??

  8. Lina says:

    Hey Barb, RM28 is really cheap!! It cost me at least Sg50 for an hr. It’ll cost me more if i were to opt for ‘sports massage’:-(

  9. Adrine says:

    Wah, cheap lah. Pity it’s pretty far away for me. 🙁

  10. Angeleyes says:

    Still very cheap @ RM28. The one I have in some Balakong place is charging RM100 for 1hr!

    I’ll get my dad to bring my mom there when they go for their line dancing on Sat… so near mah! 😛

    Too bad I won’t be able to catch the promo period… 😛

  11. FamilyFirst says:

    Thank you thank you!

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