The birds at my house

I have a few hanging plants on the porch of my house. One of them is this green plant that has gone haywire.ย  It has tiny leaves and when they turn brown, they will fall to the ground like hay.ย  Drives me nuts when I have to sweep the floor.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, we saw a bird hovering around it. I managed to take a photo of the bird resting on the strings of the potted plant.ย  It was actually building a nest in my plant!ย  The bird must have like this plant a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

A week later, I climbed up and saw this.

Two tiny eggs ๐Ÿ™‚ How sweet.ย  The mother bird was seen sitting on her eggs for many hours each day.ย  However, each time when we go out to water the plants, it will fly away but not too far away though. The mommy bird will be standing at the gate, keeping a lookout and to make sure we don’t disturb her eggs.

Last week, my mom stood on a chair to take a look at the nest and she was greeted by 2 baby birds. The mommy bird was so busy flying back and forth searching for food for her babies. Then, my mom had a brilliant idea. She placed some cooked rice near the nest for the baby birds. When the mommy bird saw the rice, she placed some into the mouths of her babies. Ahhhhhh….how heartwarming to see that. I wonder how long it takes before the baby birds would learn how to fly and leave the nest.

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18 Responses to The birds at my house

  1. Beluga says:

    This is so neat! You’re so lucky to be itnessing nature happening at it’s full course. And it was really sweet of your mom too for placing the food nearby. But she better becareful when standing on the chair though. Wonder if the mother bird’ll be back to lay more eggs in the future..:-)

    hmm…i wonder too. So once the birds have left, I should keep the nest there and wait & see?

  2. mott says:

    how cool!!!!!

    How nice to see a birdie making a home next to yours!!!

    yeah..very cool. so you think i should buy lottery ah? hehehehehe

  3. FamilyFirst says:

    You feel so touched right, seeing the mommy bird being so busy building up nest and being so protective of the young ones? I witnesses this too at my mom’s place couple of years back. Every evening we will watch the lil birds grow and someday, they will learn to fly.

    yes very touched. i wonder where is the daddy.

  4. Paik Ling says:

    Awww that’s the sweetest thing I’ve read this morning *shed tear* (drats, blame those hormones!!)

  5. clair says:

    Aw, how sweet! Great science lesson for Ashley. You gonna let her name the new babies?

    heheehe…she hasn’t seen the baby birds yet. she just saw them from the camera because it’s hard to carry her and stand on the chair. the mother bird is very protective.

  6. Diyana says:

    oh thats really lovely!! I have always dreamt of a birdhouse in front of our house but our house is no bigger than a birdhouse, so cannot lah…hehe
    anyway, hang more plants la! those eggs and baby birds are cute.. make sure no cats are near..

    ahhh..good idea, eh? there are no cats around but lots of dogs ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. rachel says:

    wah….its means “ONG” in your house…
    Good luck..
    Traditional believes..

  8. Merryn says:

    so sweet! how come it NEVER happen at MY place? it happened at my mum’s so many many times… but NEVER happen at mine.. haih.. u r sooo lucky! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. jasmine says:

    so nice hor! am sure ashley is excited as well…

  10. Annie Q says:

    Wah! So nice!! Not only u and ashley excited, me also!! So interesting!!!

  11. khongfamily says:

    Hey, I have the same plant hanging outside the house as well and surprisingly there are two little birdies inside too :). The kids love to see the birds.

    oh what a coincidence. i guess the birds really like this haywired plant huh?

  12. lemonjude says:

    Guess you won’t hate this plant now…it can be a warm place for birdy…So sweet to see mummy and baby bird…

  13. Irene says:

    this is really sooooooo cool! haywire for the birdys means no one’s plant kua? hahahahhahaha ๐Ÿ™‚ “untouched” mah… ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. health freak says:

    What nice pix! Wah, I think you should ask your mum to go through the Chinese ‘number’ book and buy TOTO or 4D. You’ve got luck man!

  15. mummy moon says:

    So sweet and this is 1 of my childhood wish to witness the bird builds its nest and laying eggs. Sometimes when I see birds fly near my balcony, I will try to catch them, haha, crazy woman!

  16. chinnee says:

    really made your day to see something so beautiful isnt it? remember i told u i have good feeling about your hse? your lucky house ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. It’s really beautiful to witness this motherly instinct from a bird! Evens birds can feel the safe and comfort being in your home. ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Ong88 says:

    These are Yellow-vented Bulbuls ๐Ÿ™‚ Very pretty birds.

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