A lil bit of this

I was craving for something yesterday and I’m so happy that I manage to get them. No, they are not truck accessories though my husband would be thrilled if I am getting those but my all-time favourite carbo food – BAGELS.  Decided to go get them in the evening 🙂


A bagful of yummy bagels from Bagel n Coffee Station


I’ve got Plain Ones, Poppy Seeds, Wholemeal and Everything which has pumpkin, poppy and sesame seeds.


Starbucks was just next door and I couldn’t resist 😀  It’s been too long since I had my Java chip Frap.

Bagel n Coffee Station is located in Plaza Damas. I think they should pay me for mentioning them in my blog a few times….hehehehehehehe.  They are having a promo now – Buy 5 Get 1 Free.  We didn’t go to the mall actually.  I just hopped down to get them while hubs and Ashley waited in the car.   Ate 2 last night for dinner, hubs had 1 and I still have 3 left.

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23 Responses to A lil bit of this

  1. Lina says:

    Oh, that’s nice, finally managed to cure your cravings…thought for one moment u’re pregnant ….coz CRAVING wor …..LOL

    i where got pregnant 😀

  2. wenn says:

    wow, that’s delicious..

  3. Ann says:

    Aaaahhhh…..you bought the bagels! Sure looks yummy….glad you enjoyed it!

  4. clairity says:

    OMG I’ve been so-ooo craving bagels *drool*!

  5. BoeyJoey says:

    Oh, I love bagels too; I usually buy mine from Sun Moulin or San Francisco Coffee. Crunchy outside and chewy inside… yum… Haven’t tried Bagel n Coffee Station though; looks good eh 🙂

    Btw, Barb, the how-to for hairpins is up… go try and make! 😀

  6. Shirley Loo says:

    hey barb… my first visit & comment on ur blog (happy happy) …. looks yummy eh ur bagels although i didnt had 1 before 😉 paiseh.. but the starbucks sure luring me now!!! have to drop by 1U later hehe..u take great care yeah!

    hehehehe…glad u dropped by Shirley 😀 where do you stay? around 1u area?

  7. chanelwong says:

    oh….sooo hungry lar…now seeing the yummy bagels….

  8. khongfamily says:

    Wahh..you are really a bagel queen and starbucks fancee…LOL!!!

  9. Shirley Loo says:

    no lah… i work at TTDI, so normally thats the nearest mall to me loh…how bout u? near Plaza Damas?

    i’m a maid in OUG. yesterday went to my dad’s office in Sri Damansara so we swing by plaza damas for the bagels 😀

  10. rachel says:

    u drove all the way to Damas just for the bagels??? u really really craving le….

  11. Krystal says:

    Will sure go and try the bagel at Plaza Damas. Maybe after work today…haha…

  12. Shirley Loo says:

    dont be so humble lah .. maid konon??!! LOL

  13. sasha says:

    u da bagel queen!

  14. wah.. back to coffee & bagels already ? glad you are feeling better 🙂

  15. mummy gwen says:

    Wow…look so delicious..how to tahan haha. BTW, I’ve found some tips on getting rid off lizards. I’ve bought the sticky trap from the hypermarket and yet to use it..hehe. I have one lizard rooming around my home..hahha..trying to catch the bugger. 😛 Oh ya, they do sell lizards repellant too. 😉

    You may be interested in this: http://www.ehow.com/how_4500067_get-rid-lizards.html

  16. Annie Q says:

    wow wow wow! Drive all the way to Plaza Damas to get your bagels!! If i don’t know i will think you’re pregnant!! hahahhaha.. Feel much better after eating your bagels and coffee? YUM!

  17. wen says:

    forever bagel for u only! lol! luckily here got to supplement the ones ur MIL bought from canada hor..if here got none, how ah? hehehe..

  18. Irene says:

    there used to be a bagel station in Ave K here, but chap lap de. hahaha… i remembered i beli once, a bit keras le… 🙂

    oh starbucks… green tea frap *heaven*

  19. Paik Ling says:

    You’re a real bagel queen!!!!!! I find bagels a tad too dry & hard for my liking. I only take white bread, not even wholemeal LOL

  20. SJ says:

    they were all freshly baked? daily? they looked real tempting! yumyumyum…too bad they don’t have any outlet in ipoh do they? i’ve not heard of it in ipoh.

    how much is it btw-buy 5 free 1? =)

  21. KittyCat says:

    Aiyo, don’t show me coffee!!! I had a sip of Hubby’s and felt totally sick 😛 Dunno when I can enjoy my Starbuck’s caramel frap ever againnnnnnnnnn

  22. Health Freak says:

    Wah, you drove all the way to Plaza Damas again just to get your favorite bagels? Are they really so nice? Next time, you go, get me 1 too 🙂

  23. Mmmmmm, hot off the oven bagels…..yummy!

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