When I saw my friend, Shireen sharing about the Beacon Seaweed Chicken Soup, I decided to try it. Available at Beacon Mart, Shopee and Lazada, this frozen chicken soup tastes like pure chicken soup that we boil ourselves.
A packet of this ready-to-cook chicken soup consists of seaweed chicken breast/carcass, dried squid, kohlrabi, energy water and salt. It is wholesome and rich in essential nutrients. The chicken meat come from chickens that were fed with specially formulated chicken feed that contains a special blend of seaweed, moringa leaves, probiotics from Japan, Chinese herbs, proteins, trace elements and vitamins. These chicken are free from chemicals, hormones and antibiotics.
It is great for busy adults like me. Whenever I feel like having some soup for dinner, I just need to thaw the vacuum packed soup, then boil a pot of water and steam this pack for 15 mins. Then pour it out into a bowl and it is ready to drink.
Sometimes I would empty the whole packet into a pot and add some vegetables, tofu, fu pei (fried beancurd) and fishballs, and bring everything to boil. I love the taste of this wholesome soup.
Each pack weighs about 500ml and cost RM6. There are many other chicken products available at Beacon Mart such as raw beacon chicken, Seaweed Chicken Pure Essense, Eggs, Wanton, Whole Leg Herbal Chicken and many more. Check them out today for a healthier choice.