I haven’t been updating about the two crazies at home. They are still naughty as usual, especially Sheldon. Recently there are some stray cats roaming around my street and a few of them have been occupying my neighbour’s house as it’s vacant at the moment.
Of course the crazies cannot stand seeing the cats around.
See the head popping out from the balcony? The cat was looking at them or just trying to tease them since it knows that they can’t get to it.
These 2 were sitting in this position looking at the cat. Cooper often has this shocking look on his face. Maybe it’s just how this Siberian Husky breed looks at people. Sheldon is also a Siberian husky but his eyes are not as big as Cooper’s.
This poor boy was so frightened last night from all the fireworks and firecrackers that started from about 9.30pm until 11.30pm. He was howling so I went out and sat with him, patting him gently. A mama gotta do what a mama gotta do. Cooper was more steady and didn’t show signs of distress.