Flash Cards

When Ashley was a few months old, I started to flash cards to her once a day.  Kinda kiasu lah as I want to help my child to learn faster 😉  I was using the cards below and only showed her the picture part.  I would read out loud to her while holding the cards.

I was really surprised that at an early age (I forgot how old Ashley was. Should have recorded it down), Ashley knew which card to pick out when I asked her.  At the age of 2, she knows her ABCs, 1 to 10 as well as the different shapes.  I stopped using the flash cards after that and only in December last year, I took them out again.  This time, I use the Words flash cards below to help her learn the words and spelling too.

I also use different fonts so that she is used to seeing them.  I started her with 3-letter words first and then added some 2-letter ones and single alphabet words. I’m happy that she could recognize the words and also spell them without looking at the cards 😀

Now, I am trying to teach her how to read by using a few cards like below. Got to find more cards to string a longer sentence 😀

Last week, I showed her this 5-letter word and I am glad that she knows how to spell it without looking at the card  😀  I believe Flash cards are really useful and great learning tool.

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22 Responses to Flash Cards

  1. HN says:

    You are such a hardworking mum and Ashley is one smart kid too 🙂

  2. sasha says:

    Wah! she’s a very smart girl 🙂

  3. Merryn says:

    whole-heartedly agree with you! well done ashley! keep it up! 🙂

  4. Beluga says:

    That’s great. Well done Ashley! You know, I haven’t used the 123 or ABC flash-cards on mine. Maybe I should huh..

  5. clair says:

    It’s great if she can stick with it. My kids got bored pretty quick so my flashcards are still in their boxes, brand new LOL.

  6. Jess says:

    I also use flash cards for my kids to learn chinese

  7. kristie says:

    that is very good.. maybe i should try it out on jayden.. but high chance he will take it and put it into his mouth haha…

  8. mummy moon says:

    She is so smart! I also bought some flash cards to teach Yan yan before, but she treats these as toys, only want to play with them, and not willing to sit or stand still to learn. So until now she cant recognize ABC’s.. How leh?

  9. chinnee says:

    good to start with her now…as to have fun with the cards too 🙂

  10. FamilyFirst says:

    I flashed cards to my lil one too at age 3 mths .. in the car .. every morning & evening when we drive him to/from my mom’s place. That time he sat down quietly. After 6 mths dunno wanna sit on car seat anymore. Squeeze himself out. Then on, no more flashing cos cant sit still and dont even wanna see the cards. Prefer seeing out the window. Suddently one day at age 1.5 yrs, he just blurted out 1, 2, 3 and now he can easily read out 1-15 (he is 22 mths now). Can pronounce all shapes too esp heart shape 😉

  11. Krystal says:

    Wow…your dotter is really intelligent! Well done

  12. health freak says:

    Ashley is so smart! Can even do spelling at 2+ yo, very clever!

    she couldn’t spell when she was 2 year old. she only knows how to lately 🙂

  13. khongfamily says:

    Great…will use your method then. It’s been a long time I haven’t use flash cards on Shayanne. She’s a bit slow compared to Brae.

  14. wow. your Ashley is such a clever girl !! Can spell somemore !!!

    I used Glenn Dorman cards on Kimberly when she was young too, and I think thanks to it, she read storybooks on her own at an early age. But sadly it is now left colleting dust on the shelves. I didnt dig it out for ashley cos back then life was hectic with heavy workloads. Regret it now.

  15. Flash cards is good for stimulating the right brain also. You try flashing them faster (< 1 second per card) in front of Ashley (eye level) while reading out the words at the same time. Repeat that until you finish the whole stack of cards. By doing this exercise it will open up their right brain and supposedly improve their senses on photo memory, flash memory, etc etc…. 😀

    Thanks. Will try it out 😀

  16. jasmine says:

    mummy does that to the boys too. and i think its effective! she also made some of her own words flash card.

    keep it up ashley!

  17. Annie Q says:

    WOW! Ashley can spell!!!! My boys still can’t. 🙁 I wonder if i flash the card just with the word do they know, i think they only know from the picture. Alamak, must piak piak me for being lazy. 🙁

  18. Paik Ling says:

    Wah you really rajin lah. I never used them. Ashley is also a very good student!

  19. rachel says:

    wow….i just started flashing cards to philip about 1 week back. however i only flash 1 word n till today, he still cant “memorised” yet even though he can speak that word. maybe i must do it faster. u good la. i only hand-write them.

  20. Irene says:

    wah, looks like im the laziest man, no flashcard, no teaching, no nothing le! walao… stress stress *sweat*

  21. KittyCat says:

    Wow…I’m really impressed at your industriousness! I’m an English teacher and I don’t even have a pack of flash cards for my tot LOL

  22. pinklady says:

    BTW, Where did u get those flashcard? very interesting, maybe i will get one for my son

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